Jonathan Cornish


Phone : 0419 014 734
Email :

Jonathan joined Acceptance Finance in November 2007, starting in the Client Service’s team, moving onto a Finance Broker role in 2009. After nearly 10 years as a Finance Broker, Jonathan transitioned to head the Operations team within Acceptance Finance, managing the compliance, IT, marketing, accounts and HR functions of the business.

In 2024 Jonathan took on the role as CEO.

He still works closely with a network of accountants and financial planners, and enjoy’s providing their clients with clear advice on their finance requirements.

Jonathan is married and has three kids, enjoys trying to be a handyman, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and watching the Wallabies.

If you could click your fingers and acquire a special talent, what would it be?

Being able to click my fingers.

What’s your coffee order?

Long black in the mornings, green tea after lunch

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