Michael Bennett

Broker Support

Phone : (03) 9854 3530
Email : mike@acceptancefinance.com.au

Michael joined Acceptance Finance in September 2021 as part of our Broker Support Team. He graduated from La Trobe University the same year and is continuing to further his education remotely at King’s College London, pursuing his Masters in Banking and Finance.

With a passion for mathematics and finding great fulfillment in problem solving, he enjoys helping navigate clients deals through to settlement.

Michael spends his spare time reading, learning the piano and being outdoors as much as he can. Above all though, he loves sharing good food with friends and family.

If the world were silent for 20 seconds and all ears were turned to you, what would you say?

Remember to look up at night and appreciate the scale of everything.

What’s your coffee order?

Soy latte, 1 sugar.

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